Striking Facts About Arabic To English Translation in The MENA Region

Striking Facts About Arabic To English Translations in The MENA Region

The MENA region extends from Morocco to Iran. It is a very diverse region in terms of language. However, this region has more than 60 languages. And mostly consists of resource-rich and business-oriented countries. The main languages that are widely used in these countries are Farsi and Arabic. The Arabic language is known as the lingua franca of the MENA region. Therefore, it's the language of business in this region. 

However English serves various important roles in the Arab world. For trading and other transborder communications, English plays a role in communicating important business processes. As a result, English is shifting towards the first language of Arabs for international communication.  

Importance of English Language

Language is a primary source of communication. English is not only used by English-speaking countries. It is also used for communication in the world for various purposes, such as:

  • Used as a foreign language by two different native speakers
  • It is the language of education 
  • The majority of websites are in the English language
  • Used as a business language 
  • It is the most used language in the entertainment industry

All these factors highlight the importance of English translation services. 

Despite the importance of this language, the most spoken language in the MENA(middle east and North Africa) region is Arabic. Arabic has almost 300 million speakers around the globe. Additionally, there is huge diversity in this language. Therefore, to eliminate the language barrier, Arabic translation services play an important role.

Facts About English-Arabic & Arabic-English Translations

There are various fascinating facts in the translation of the Arabic-English-Arabic language translation. Countries in the MENA region have varieties of languages that sometimes need translation for other language speakers. 

Variations in the Arabic Language

The Arabic language has formal and informal versions. Therefore, it is a diglossic language. There are three Arabic dialects. Quranic or classic Arabic, modern standard Arabic, and colloquial or daily Arabic. 

Modern standard Arabic is the most recent adaptation and is used for television and media purposes. For translation purposes, it is important to have knowledge about the target audience and their demand. 

In the MENA region, professional English translation services play an important role in the translation of varieties of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers. So they understand and communicate efficiently.

Different Alphabets 

There are 28 Arabic alphabets. However, eight of these characters do not have any sound in the English language. However, it becomes difficult to pronounce and translate this language. But it's possible with the help of experts. 

The Writing Style of Arabic 

Various countries in the MENA region use Arabic as their official language. The documents and important data in the Arabic language appear to be read in the backward direction. Therefore, this bidirectional feature makes this language difficult for other language learners. 

But Arabic translation services remove the communication gap between Arabic and other language learners. They provide the translation of documents in their native language. 

Roots of Spanish Words in the Arabic Language 

In the past, Spain was governed by the Muslims. During this, Arabic culture penetrated the form of language in the Iberian peninsula. 

It is believed that some Spanish language words have roots in the Arabic language. And around 4000 words in modern Spanish stem from the Arabic language. Some examples are: almohada, camisa, ojala, and aceituna. 

For Arabic to English translation, it’s important to keep in mind the Arabic influence on Spanish as many words might have different meanings in Spanish and Arabic. Thus, for more culturally sensitive and relevant translations, it’s important to be aware of source language’s influence on different languages.  

Influence of Arabic on the English Language 

In some countries of MENA like Jordan, Bahrain, and UAE English is used as a second language or an official business language. However, in the UAE, you need to speak English to work. 

The people in these countries take Arabic as an easy language because many English words may directly borrow words from Arabic vocabulary. 

Many words in English have an Arabic influence, such as sugar, algebra, cotton, etc. Both languages have almost the same morphological structure. Therefore, professional English translation services find it easy to translate the Arabic language into English and other languages. 

Differences in Arabic Culture 

There is variation in Arabic culture and language itself. The MENA is home to more than 22 Arabic-speaking countries. Therefore, you will find a wide variation in its pronunciation that makes it difficult for one Arabic speaker to understand the other speaker. Additionally, this language has various ways to convey the same message.

The dialects may vary within the same country. So, Arabic translation services play a vital role in translating different Arabic dialects into the target language. 


Arabic is the primary language of most of the countries in the MENA region. It greatly influences the evolution of different languages on this globe. Thus, Arabic to English translation holds great significance.

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